Wednesday, October 31, 2012

My Kind of Store!

I had to drive into Oklahoma City the other day to get some gaffers tape from Guitar Center. Can you believe that Home Depot doesn't carry gaffers tape!?! Anyway, on my way back, I drove by this awesome sounding shop. I will have to go back and taste some jerky. By the looks of the windows, it looks like my kinda store. Go Meats!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Back to OC

Old Barn
The drive from Amarillo, TX to Edmond, OK is not fun, unless you can stop and take some pictures along the way.

Leaning Water Tower of Britten, OK

Old Barn just West of Clinton, OK

Sunday, October 28, 2012


The Tracks
I have had a great weekend trip to the great city of Lubbock, in the Great State of Texas.

One night I got to go out and catch a Lubbock sunset, which is always good. Went out on 114 W. found a couple train cars. I know they aren't too exciting but it gave me a few subjects.

The Car

Then I found some cool looking plants. I have no idea what they are, but hey, I thought they looked cool.
The Silhouette

Then we took some friends on a tour of the good ole' LCU campus.

Welcome Ceiling

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

1st Thanksgiving Dinner

I got really lucky with my pot luck roommate. Not only is he a cool guy, but every Wednesday I get to eat dinner with his family. This week his grandma cooked a Thanksgiving Dinner.

We had a whole turkey, mashed taters, gravy, corn, green beans, some amazing stuffing, rolls, and some special yams. Don't worry, they weren't spiked. They only had the colored marshmallows to put on the sweet potatoes. It looked liked Lucky Charms marshmallows on them. So naturally, we called them Lucky Charm Yams.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Bow Tie

Today I was at a loss on what to post. Overall it was a pretty bum morning. But this afternoon I received a package from my youngest brother. It was a birthday present. (I knew only because he told me it was coming). I had no idea what was going to pop out at me when I opened that large envelope. But I was pleasantly surprised! It was this kick butt groovy bow tie!

For those of you that don't know, one of my professors is trying to bring Bow Tie Thursdays to the OC campus. A day where all are encouraged to wear a bow tie, big or small, bright or dull, wear a bow tie! I had a non-tie bow tie that I had worn for the first few weeks. I bought the non-tie so that I could test out the look. I didn't want to commit to learning how to tie one if I was gonna look like a goofy clown. But I liked the way I looked (even though I didn't shop at Men's Warehouse). 
So today after I got in from all my classes and a very dull supper, I watched a video on how to tie a bow tie. Then I watched it a second time, and tried to tie mine along with the video.

Not bad for my first try eh?? I didn't think so either. But then I gave it a shot with out the video...

HA! You thought I was gonna end up with a spider tied around my neck didn't you! I think I will be good for wearing this hip puppy on Thursday. I'm gonna be the big boy on campus this week. 

Again thanks Bro for the sweet hip groovy bow tie!

Monday, October 22, 2012


Well it started sprinkling today, so I didn't get to take too many pictures.
But I managed to snap a few right after lunch.

Flag in front of DAH

Freede Tower past the Library

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The North Canadian River (in central oklahoma)

Well, I decided to go on a Sunday afternoon cruise in my HHR today, and of course, I took my camera.  I headed out of town going Southeast, and generally stayed to the Southeast of Edmond all afternoon. I went a little further east than I had before and I discovered a very windy river with lots of sand banks and I thought it would make for some cool pictures. The only problem was getting down there. Every bridge that crossed the river was surrounded by fenced-in private land.

North Canadian River
Well, it turns out this is the North Canadian River. I don't know why a river in Oklahoma is called the North Canadian, or even Canadian for that matter, but thats what they call it.
North Canadian River

North Canadian 
So, I set out to find a way down to the river. For a couple hours I drove, zig-zagging through the back roads. I crossed a total of 7 bridges over that river. Several of those I had to cross multiple times. Of Course, I did have to turn around a couple times. I nearly trespassed several times.
But surprisingly, I did not get chased by any dogs this time. I don't even think one barked at me. Of course one could have and I may not have noticed over the blaring music in my car. I was definitly rocking out to some heavy tunes. (John Denver, Mozart, News Boys, CCR, The Beatles, Josh Radin, and other awesome groups like the London Philharmonic Orchestra)
No..No..No Trespassing

Finally! I had found it. A dirt/gravel pull off by a bridge. Somewhere I could park AND get to the river without repelling down a dirt cliff or hopping fences. I was super stoked. I pulled in and there were already 2 vehicles there. As I was arranging all my gear in my backpack and deciding what not to take into the river, another car with 2 guys in it pulled in. I figured no big. But then, both got out. Seeing that both men were already noticeably intoxicated (yes even the driver) and that the passenger was carrying a case of beer, and then they started yelling down to their friends below, I decided I would wait till another day. There was no telling what the 4, or more, heavily intoxicated men might have decided to do to or on my car while I was down in the river.

So I guess the North Canadian River in Central Oklahoma will have to wait for another day to get her glamour shots. Oh well. I had a great adventure, got a few good pictures, and now I know that part of the country like the back of my hand.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Lazy Saturday

Small Blue Dragonfly.

Morning Bike Ride

I was out riding around the yet to be paved part of the new Eagle Trail when I found this cool looking scrape from a dozer.

B/W Dozer Scrape through Fisheye.

The 4 Year Tour

So here I go on the great adventure of Photo Blogging! Here I will take you on a 4 year tour of my career at Oklahoma Christian University while I major in Electronic Media.
The Freede Centennial Tower in the heart of OC.